Is your brand image perceived the way you want it?

Let’s talk brand image

You started your business and you first have a visual identity, then you have made your organization grow and developed your communication tools. The years have passed and you may have developed new products and services and you have adapted to the market. Have your vision and business values evolved?

What about your brand image today?

Your signature, your representation tools, your communications still represent you well? When you hand over your business card, when you broadcast your messages in social networks or when a prospect visits your website, do you feel confident about the image being released? Do your communication tools represent your company, its values and what distinguishes you from your competition?

If you answered no to any of these questions, it is because your brand does not match or no longer matches the image you want to release from your business. A successful branding should not only identify you, but rather represent you and allow you to stand out. We live in an era where we are all exposed to thousands of images every day. In this context, it is all the more important to distinguish yourself and grace… for the wrong reasons!

Less is better!

It is sometimes mistakenly thought that our logo or the visual signature of our communication tools must contain many elements to properly represent all aspects of our business. It’s not true. Less is better! A graphical signature is not a “drawing” or an “illustration”, it is a synthesized representation allowing a rapid recognition of your company. As you cannot tell everything, you have to rely on the gist of the message to be communicated. Too much information and details dilute the effectiveness to effectively reach our interlocutors.

Aspect not to be neglected: the positioning

A coherent branded image makes our audience feel the sense of the message we want to convey (professionalism, specialization, experience, etc.). Sometimes we can diffuse an image that is coherent from a graphic point of view, but that does not carry the desired message or that seduces or attracts a different type of clientele than the one targeted? In any case, there is a mismatch between the projected image and the perception of our clientele, which does not serve your company. It is very important to target the message to be disseminated and then to convey the message with consistency, at the risk of diverting customers if the speech is not in accordance with the actions of your company.

A successful image compression tool

When we decided on the message to be conveyed, our distinctive appearance and our positioning, the creative work begins! To play with the words, shapes, colors, supports and amalgam of these for a rendering that diffuses the axis of communication defined, this is the challenge of creating a successful brand image! The ultimate test: Does the created image captivate your target audience? If so, mission accomplished! If not, you or your team will like the image you have developed, if it is not well received from your potential customers, it is better to change course. A strong brand image for a company is the way to distinguish itself and to develop trust and fidelity to its clientele.